Monday, October 13, 2008

Cranberry Conserves, Part 2

Part 1

Well, that was a lot of liquid for those cranberries. While they did absorb some liquid, they did not EVEN absorb as much as I was hoping. I blended it all together with honey and it tastes pretty good! However, I was not thinking and put ALL the water in there. So there is no way it can be used as conserves.

Some ideas:
  • Freeze into popsicles.
  • Swirl into homemade vanilla ice cream
  • Make into a syrup to pour on top of pancakes
So, any of those will work and I am sure will taste so yummy! I do have some drying rosehips in the front garden, so I will try it with those nest. I think it will be fun for the girls to take baskets and harvest the rosehips and help prepare them for the conserve. Rosehips are supposed to be a god cold and flu preventer, and with winter coming, it would be a GREAT time to try it!

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